News & Information Blog
Business As Normal
We understand that the IT support we provide to our customers is vital to to enabling them to keep running and providing a service. As one of Swindon and Wiltshire’s leading IT services providers we have tens of organisations depending on our ability to provide a reliable and uninterrupted service, even more so, during through these difficult times. So, in light of the recent developments around Coronavirus (COVID-19), we would like to share with you the measures we are taking to ensure we continue to provide the services our customers need during the difficult time ahead.
Remote Working – the new norm
Last month we told you about the things you should not be doing when working from home, or remotely as it more commonly known. But it does now look as if working remotely is going to be the norm for many businesses. Even Facebook are now stating that they will be encouraging if not forcing some of their employees to work from their home in the future. So, this month we are letting you, as Employers or managers know what you should be doing if you have teams that are spread far and wide.
Are you making the most of Office 365?
Office 365 is a software and cloud-based suite which when used correctly, can drive efficiency, increase productivity and encourage collaborative working in the business world. And even though it has been around since 2011, it is amazing to find how little our clients fully utilise all the tools that Office 365 provides.
Cut Your IT Costs
Is your business running on a budget and are you looking to reduce costs?
If so here are some areas of your IT infrastructure which you can potentially save without affecting service.
This month we highlight that IT expenses may not be as fixed as you think and we take a look at the areas where you might reduce costs.
Shopping Safely Online
Now that Christmas is out the way, you may be planning on doing some online shopping in the New year sales. But can you be sure that what you are being us genuine and where you are buying from is legit?
With online shopping fraud peeking over the Xmas period with 15,000 victims losing +£10 million being stolen or lost in the UK alone, you do need to ensure that when you are taking the online plunge, you do it with care.
To try and ensure you stay safe when you shop online, we have compiled a quick list of shop safely tips for our customers.
Fancy Increasing online productivity
Are you always working on spreadsheets?
Is Excel the bane of your life but at the same time a necessary evil?
If you are one of the many office workers that has just read the first two lines and are now sat looking at this shaking your head in acknowledgement, we empathise. Not only is minimising and maximising your screen to transfer data from one spreadsheet to another, an arduous task, but it is so counterproductive and soul destroying that it has been proven to be a contributor to office in-efficiency.
Office 365 Perks and Pitfalls
Last month we talked about disaster recovery and data back up, this month we again highlight how important it is to have back up plans in place, even when you are using up to date cloud based systems such as Office 365.
Disaster Recovery. Is it worth it?
Accidents and bizarre events occur all the time, but for some unknown reason many businesses surprisingly don’t consider having an IT Disaster Recovery plan a neccesity, and if they do, only a minority fully believe it is successful. Infact according to a recent survey, only 35% of UK organisations have full confidence in their current disaster recovery strategies (Databarracks)
Need IT Support
For many small to medium sized businesses, infact whatever their size, IT can seem like a minefield.
Whether it’s keeping on top of online payments or ensuring data is backed up correctly, there’s a lot to distract you from focussing on growing your business. In an ideal world, all businesses would have their own qualified IT technician, but it is just not practical. So this month we will tell you exactly how businesses such as ourselves can help.
Getting a new computer?
Last month we talked about how you get rid of your old laptops and computers, this month we will have a look at the right way to get your new ones.
The right way to get rid of an old computer
If your business is just about to purchase some new hardware i.e. Computers or laptops it is an exciting time. But, have you ever thought about what happens to the old ones?
If your equipment is old, and let’s face it in IT terms 3 years, is old, you may be scrapping them. Simple, you may think, switch them off and put them in the bin. Or maybe you are going to sell them, in that case you may browse through your files and delete the ones that may be sensitive or personnel.
Maybe you could put your laptop on a strong magnet for while and hope it deletes everything..
Back up or not back up? That is the question.
We have previously mentioned the importance of backing up and what your business should be looking for from any backup product. In May of this year, data and how everyone uses it was brought to the forefront with the introduction of GDPR, but it isn’t just personal data that we have to be wary of.
Data is collected and used in such a variety of ways that it’s very difficult for any law or industry regulation to fully encompass what and how you should backup – even when there’s expectation around data security, they can never account for your company’s exact circumstances. This month we are going to take a look at the legal implications of not doing so correctly.
What’s on the IT Horizon
The beauty about technology is that it is forever changing. Sometimes this is great, such as when we were introduced to 4G, but sometimes it can be bad such the introduction of malware and data breaches etc.
Keeping a Healthy Office
Sore eyes, achy shoulders, arched backs, fatigue and RSI are just some of the symptoms people pick up when working in an office.
Most of these can be avoided. All it takes is a few simple changes to your behaviours and some simple changes to the equipment you are using.
Is your business GDPR Ready?
Whether you like it or not, there is a huge change coming with regards to how you operate your business. GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation is going to affect all business, from sole traders through to large corporations.
If you collect any data on customers or clients, you will need to address how that data is collected and stored.
We can help you and your business
Recent research suggests that around 50% of small to medium sized businesses are on the lookout for ways to expand. It could be that your business is at the stage of its evolution where you are seeking bigger premises, increasing your headcount or it may be a case that you are simply looking at ways of streamlining your business and improving efficiency.